Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm CST
"Enriching America, One Community at a Time"

Donations will
be tax deductible
once our 501(c)3 application is approved
*Founded Oct 16, 2024*
Local Area: Western Ky, Southern IL, Southeastern Mo & Northwestern Tn.
Mon-Friday 8am-5pm CST * Sat & Sunday Closed * Hours will vary during active mission status

UACC's Flower Garden Get-A-Way
*Another future project for the community, that is on hold until we complete our 501(c)3 application. Please consider making a donation through our Donation tab or participate in one of our events.
We will look for a specific type of property to settle our home office and build this beautiful garden on same property.
This is a future program. This will be a beautiful garden the public can buy entrance tickets for the day. Visitors will have beautiful pathways they can walk down to view the garden & the wildlife it will attract. We will have nice places set up along the pathways where visitors can take a seat & just take it all in.
We will try to attract a variety of bird life & other wildlife to the garden. We will offer a booklet that will feature all the birds & animals in the garden. Visitors can use the booklet to try to "spot" all of them.
Booklets that are completed can be turned in for a small prize & new booklet. Each completed booklet should have the wildlife found in different locations of the garden. This will provide the public a special place to go for the day while helping UACC's growth & maintenance of the garden.
Funds raised through the garden will help UACC grow our community programs & cover the costs of the garden.